Friday, August 3, 2007

Puppy Dawg

Just an update on what's going on with me...

This weekend, Andy and I are planning on going to Joliet, IL to visit a shih tzu breeder. The dog we're thinking about getting is below:

He's almost 6 months old, and his name is currently Baby Joey, though that will definitely change. If we decide to get him, we're open to any name suggestions. Also, we won't be keeping his hair that long, either. He'll be getting a "puppy cut" and will look more like this if we get him:

We had to go with this breed because of my allergies (shih tzus have hair, not fur, so they don't shed) and their size (apartment living in Chicago) but their little ewok faces are so cute that we're not worried. We're also familiar with the breed since I used to dog-sit a couple of them back in Athens from time to time.

If we decide to go for it, I'll let you all know and probably ask for any name suggestions.

Hope everyone's doing well, and Kate, let me know if you pick a weekend to come!



Keith said...

Good preemptive work in addressing all of my potential in to poke fun for getting such a tiny dog. As long as you do not start carrying him around in a purse (aka Paris style), you won’t get any jokes from me. As as long we you don’t make Andy walk him on a dainty leash and sparkle collar…Happy Friday everyone!

Kristin said...

Oh don't worry. I tease Andy constantly by telling him I'll be dressing the dog in sweaters and coats come winter. He's terrified of letting me walk down the dog aisle in Target already.


Bogenschutz Family said...

I think that he is adorable. He would be my first granddog. Actually, I think that if Andy walked the dog that he would find that it would be a chick-magnet. OH HOW CUTE!!! Kristin watch out.


Jenn said...

I can't wait to meet your new puppy! Congrats!

Keith said...

Here is a post from Bonnie...."I have friends who have 3 Shih Tzu's and have named them after "tea". The first one is Sassafras "Sassy", the next is Sweet Tea (Sweety" then comes Isabel (rescued and too old to rename) . Guess the next one will be Herbal and call him Herb."