Sunday, December 30, 2007

Christmas Dinner w/ Grandma

So I wanted to post the picture from the dinner on the 26th with Grandma. I think a good time was had by all. Thanks Grandma for the 9th annual Grandkid dinner.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Family Info File

So in case you did not see the new survey to the right, please vote if you would like the Excel file posted here for access, or if you would rather have it just in Google documents where access is restricted.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Day After Christmas Dinner Plans

Editors Revision:
Thanks Kate for the info and Mom for the email to set me straight. Once I had the correct spelling I was good to go in Google. Grandma had me headed down the wrong track for awhile. Kate provided a great review and the address so Amy and I will see everyone there on the 26th!

So I am sure every grand kid has received a call about the traditional post-Christmas dinner for the 26th. It is scheduled for Maribelle's, which apparently in on Eastern Ave, aka Riverside Drive. However after spending more than 20 minutes on Google maps, city search and I was unable to find any evidence of the existence of this place to post directions, an address, menus or a review. So if anyone else has any insight please enlighten the rest of us.


Thursday, November 8, 2007

Breaking News!

So in case anyone in the family has not heard Amy and I are engaged. I proposed on Tuesday, she said yes and we are both very excited. For more details please see the post on my blog, or give me a call. As a note we have NO IDEA yet on when or where we will be getting married, but as we begin to decide these things we will keep everyone updated. We will of course be in Cincinnati for Christmas so we hope to see everyone then.


Thursday, November 1, 2007


I am updating my address book and I wanted to verify/get updates on a few things...

- Keith - Do you still live on Hamilton St.?
- Jenny - Do you still live on S. Fourth St.?
- Does anyonehave Uncle Tom and Aunt Carolyn's new address??


Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Africa Pictures

So I finally was able to get through some of the over 1,200 pictures Amy and I took on the trip and get some of the highlights from Safari up last night. I have them posted to my blog.

Here is one of my favorites:
So click on and check them out. Over the next couple of nights I will be working on get more pictures up form the different parts of the trip and I am working on a slide show with captions this weekend which will hopefully be able to be viewed as a short video on You Tube.

Thursday, October 4, 2007


Keith and Amy..when do you leave for your trip? I talked to Amy abou it at the family Vaca and I am so jealous! Make sure to take lots of pictures and have a safe trip to and from!

P.S. Congratulations to Larry and Ashlie on getting married today!

Friday, August 24, 2007

Meet Milo!

Great things about Milo:

He's pretty. Milo's a chick magnet. And a people magnet in general, I guess. Seriously, people have crossed the street just for the chance to pet this little guy.

His tonge perpetually is sticking out. He is about 8 inches tall and 10 lbs, but somehow figured out how to take off his cone collar (just got neutered) and jump a 30 inch gate. Maybe we should have named him Houdini...
He looks like a dust mop when he lies down.

If you can't tell, all is going VERY well with our new puppy.

If anyone was worried about us after the crazy weather in Chicago yesterday, we're fine. there were trees and power lines down all over our neighborhood, but our cars, apartment and selves are okay. The only damage is that our fenced-in backyard isn't exactly fenced-in anymore, but otherwise, everything's good.

Have a good weekend everyone!

Monday, August 6, 2007

Chicago Visit...


I have to admit, I am not much of a dog lover, but if you get that little pup and give it a short hair cut, I think he will be adorable!! And on a side you know who is from Joliet, IL...Adrienne Curry who married the Brady Bunch guy...haha (I watch way too much reality TV)

Now as for weekends to come visit...Mark you calendar for sure for Nov 30,Dec 1 and 2...I am going to go do some Xmas shopping with a few friends :) But I was also looking at my calendar to see when I could come before then (since Christmas is a little ways off) starts to get a little tricky due to the Bengals season starting :-D, but what about either Sept 28-30, or October 5-7?? Let me know if either of those weekends work for you! And if anyone esle wants to join...just let me know!

Otherwise, things on my end are going well, nothing too crazy planned for the month of August except Bengals preseason games :) Annie and my dad will be the main planers for the Bengals tailgates this year,s o if there are games that people are planning on attending we (as in me, Annie, my pops, Aunt Cheryl, Uncle Marty, and Kev-man) would love for you to join!!

Happy Monday!

Friday, August 3, 2007

Puppy Dawg

Just an update on what's going on with me...

This weekend, Andy and I are planning on going to Joliet, IL to visit a shih tzu breeder. The dog we're thinking about getting is below:

He's almost 6 months old, and his name is currently Baby Joey, though that will definitely change. If we decide to get him, we're open to any name suggestions. Also, we won't be keeping his hair that long, either. He'll be getting a "puppy cut" and will look more like this if we get him:

We had to go with this breed because of my allergies (shih tzus have hair, not fur, so they don't shed) and their size (apartment living in Chicago) but their little ewok faces are so cute that we're not worried. We're also familiar with the breed since I used to dog-sit a couple of them back in Athens from time to time.

If we decide to go for it, I'll let you all know and probably ask for any name suggestions.

Hope everyone's doing well, and Kate, let me know if you pick a weekend to come!


Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Family Weekend

Looks like I'm a little late--all of you have pretty much covered all of the "best parts of the weekend." I enjoyed them all. Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures to post either. Like Annie, I packed my camera but never took it out of my bag. I think Kristin captured most of the best moments on camera anyway. Of course I loved Turbo Yahtzee as well; however, the voice of the Sorry game proved a bit intriguing as well...

Thanks everyone for a great weekend. I had a good time!

Best part of the weekend....

Hands down the best moment of the weekend is when Keith had this brillant idea about the Blog! I absolutely love it and think it is a great idea! I would have to say my next fave part of the weekend was Turbo Yahtzee (can't you see how intense it got, I kind of look like a professional Yahtzee player in Krissy's Pic).

Overall the weekend was a blast and it was great to see all of the out of towners and meet out new family member, Rasheed. I can't wait to see everyone again. Also, I am going to Chicago to visit Andy and Kris if anyone wants to join. I will be looking at the calendar soon to pick a weekend. And Annie and I are potentially going to Philly in Sept. :)

PS..Keith, I didn't know that we shared a fave movie...we will have to have a Wallstreet viewing next time we are together :)


Monday, July 30, 2007

My favorites... and some photos

So I'd have to say my top three moments of the weekend would have to be:

2) Spitting a cherry pit 32 feet. (Thanks for measuring and exposing my weird talent, Uncle Tom.)
3) Keith and Don getting lost... twice. (Once in the woods and once on the roads.)

Of course the whole weekend was great, and Uncle Bill automatically hits the tops of the charts with the ghost and Boone's Farm vintage July 17, 2007.

Here's some photos, kids.

First, my favorite photo from the weekend:

Here's a smattering of others:

The rest are here. Email me with any requests for copies!

I can't believe it....

The dancing game doesn't rank in the top 3... I will really have to come up with a better one next year!

It was a fun weekend, as usual for when we all get together. Hopefully some people will have pictures to post because I am the moron who brought her camera and forgot to take any pictures! dud...


Way to go Keith

Thank you for setting this up. It is so much fun to be around you guys that this will provide me needed levity in between visits.

I am not quite sure what was my favorite part of the weekend, but I think the ghost opening the drawer ranks up there. The wine tasting takes second. Our hole-in-one (ok we were given a stroke with a 2) ranks 3rd. Learning that my college roommates Pediatrician father in Lima, Ohio cut Andy open when he was a little kid was a pretty amazing discovery as well!

Wish you all a good week!

Aunt Cheryl

Family Photo?

Does anyone have a family photo they'd like to send to me, or possibly post in the blog template?



Sunday, July 29, 2007

First Post

So the annual summer get together for 2007 wraps up I am posting this first entry to the family blog sitting in the Columbus airport awaiting the departure of our flight to Philly. The delay is not to bad for the summer, only 90 minutes so far. The biggest impact will be I might have to wait until tomorrow to watch tonight's episode of Ice Road Truckers.

Anyway I am going to email the user name and password for the blog and email to some family members as a test to see if this little experiment will work. I guess for a first test, I ask people to post their pictures from the trip for everyone to share.
