Thursday, April 24, 2008

A Day at the Races...

So I had my first outing to Kenneland Race track last weekend and it was a blast! It was a much different experience from the Derby or Riverdowns. It was packed, but everyone was in spring dresses or sear-sucker pants. The area around the track is so pretty and I actually got to see some horses, unlike Derby. The only bad this about it is that it is only open 2 months of the year. I unfortch didn't win any money, but had fun losing some. My betting expertise is slim to none, so after memorizing one bet...I was set for the day -- " Race X, $2 extaca Box for Horses A and B" Too bad I never won. We took a bus down and made a day out of it...and when I say bus, I really mean school bus :) If anyone has the chance to go to Kenneland, i highly suggest it!!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

XU to the Elite 8

Hello Everyone! Sorry I have been missing for a little while, but things have been quite hectic. But on the good news front...Xavier made it to the Elite Eight and Annie, myslef, and my dad all made the trek out to Phoenix to cheer on the Muskies. The weather was fantastic -- 86 and sunny, and X beat good old Huggins in the game on Thursday. We had a fun day trip to Sedona when Xavier had the day off and got a crazy jeep driver that gave me bruises from the seat belt. Overall, the trip was fabulous!! Enjoy the picture with me and the Musketeer! Go X!!