Friday, August 24, 2007

Meet Milo!

Great things about Milo:

He's pretty. Milo's a chick magnet. And a people magnet in general, I guess. Seriously, people have crossed the street just for the chance to pet this little guy.

His tonge perpetually is sticking out. He is about 8 inches tall and 10 lbs, but somehow figured out how to take off his cone collar (just got neutered) and jump a 30 inch gate. Maybe we should have named him Houdini...
He looks like a dust mop when he lies down.

If you can't tell, all is going VERY well with our new puppy.

If anyone was worried about us after the crazy weather in Chicago yesterday, we're fine. there were trees and power lines down all over our neighborhood, but our cars, apartment and selves are okay. The only damage is that our fenced-in backyard isn't exactly fenced-in anymore, but otherwise, everything's good.

Have a good weekend everyone!


Keith said...

He looks really cute - I can see why people cross the street. So are you going to get him a haircut or stick with the dust mop look?

Katie said...

I was wondering the same thing?? And that cone looks hilarious on his head :)

Kristin said...

I think we're going to get him a haircut as soon as we can (right now he's still recovering, so he can't get groomed or bathed). During the winter we may let it grow a little longer, though.

Right now, he just seems really hot and I don't especially enjoy grooming my pet more than I groom myself.

Kristin said...

I forgot to add this!

Milo has also figured out how to lift the hook latch and open the door Andy built for keeping Milo in the kitchen.

I really think we might just give him the run of the apartment soon... he's earned it!