Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Welcome to the World Wide Web...

Thursday, December 18, 2008
And the winner is......

~ 1- package of regular Oreo’s
~ 1- 8 ounce brick of regular Cream Cheese
~ 1- package of Kroger White Chocolate Melting Bark (24 ounces)
1. In a food processor, grind the pack of Oreo’s into a fine dust
2. Add the brick of cream cheese to the Oreo dust and mix together until a dough is formed.
3. Roll the dough into little balls (Size = about the diameter of a quarter) and place on cookie sheet.
4. Refrigerate for at least an hour to let the dough firm up.
5. Melt the white chocolate either in a double boiler or in the microwave.
6. Using a toothpick coat the entire ball in white chocolate and set on wax paper to cool
7. Once the white chocolate has hardened, ENJOY!
*Note: Refrigerate cookies once completed because of the cream cheese in the recipe.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
3-Alarm fire on Eastern Ave.
Annie and I are OK, but it has been a long morning to say the least. And the house is OK…thank goodness.
I was woken up at 2:50am by a semi blowing its horn for like a minute so I got up and looked outside and people were running out of the building and yelling to get out. I ran downstairs and saw that the back of the building was a huge fire. So I called 911 (with a bunch of other people) and the proceeded to watch this building turn into the biggest fire I have ever seen…fire was billowing out of all 4 floors windows and people were climbing out of the fire escapes. We had to stay outside from 3am until 6am while they were fighting the fire and then there were fears that the building might collapse. I just feel so bad for the people because they are so poor to begin with and now they are sitting on the street still with red cross and they have nothing.
Our street just opened back up to traffic and it is 10am. It was seriously the biggest fire I have ever seen. I felt like we were in a movie at some points. But I wanted to let everyone know that we are OK and so is the house.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Hurricane Ike vs. Cincinnati...
So I am sure everyone in Cincy knows what happened but for you out of town-er's, i thought I would give you an update...
It is a beautiful day tailgating for the bengals game, and then we enter the stadium...clouds roll in, but still no rain and then incredible winds start up. Apparently they were clocked at 75 mph. It was crazy windy during the entire game, but nothing to be alarmed about, until we leave the disaster of the game and walk outside for out trip home. Trees down, siding and shingles flying, the Ohio River having white caps like the ocean, and no power! We returned home to find out that we have some siding hanging on by a hair, but no further damage, other than lots of trees down. But get this...Duke is saying that people won't have power for 3-4 days!
Annie and I slept at my dad's last night because he had power because of new development and power lines being underground. Annie was lucky enough like the rest of the city for work to be cancelled. But have no fear, by some act of God my office and the Kroger data centers have backup generators, so I am here at work :( Just doesn't seem fair, no does it.
Hope Ike didn't hit anyone else...it really put a true hurricane in perspective cinsidering we only had partial winds. Imagine double the wind plus the rain...not fun!!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
My New Best Friend...
Monday, August 4, 2008
New York, New York!!!

Thursday, July 3, 2008
Countdown to NYC...
1.) Krissy and I are making a trip out there together to visit our friend Mike Payne. I am so excited for this trip. We will be there July 26-28. Don't worry, we will take lots of pictures!
2.) It was just announced the Xavier will be playing Duke this year in Rutherford N.J., which is apprently only 12 miles outside of the city, or something. The game is scheduled for Dec. 20th, and if we can find good flights, I definitely want to go to the game :)
Hope everyone's summer is off to a good start -- Any other updates out there?
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Rascal Flatts = Tears
Today at work, someone on the other side of my office had their computer playing random songs from their iPod and guess what song came on? I was enjoying it until I realized I was getting misty-eyed and had to explain to my coworkers that I was not an emotional basketcase, but my cousin made this great video for my Grandma's birthday and it just makes me think of that and only that now.
Is it only me?
Just wanted to share that story with everyone to let you know you're not alone if you can't safely listen to certain songs in public anymore.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Flights to Philly!
Just a heads up in case people were looking for flights to Philly for Keith and Amy's wedding in October. Southwest has a great deal on flights out of Columbus non-stop to Philly for $163.00 roundtrip (Total price including all the taxes and other charges). Our flight is landing Thursday afternoon and we are coming home Sunday afternoon.
Me, Annie, Dad, Gram, Bonnie and Aunt Peg just booked out flights!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
More photos from Grandma's party!
Grandma after her big "landing".

Grandma and her ladybug cake.

Lovely ladies!


Go here/Click here to see and download my full set of photos from the weekend. If you have trouble with the downloading, I can email any photo you'd like!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Pictures from the Party
Monday, May 5, 2008
Wedding Info
Thursday, April 24, 2008
A Day at the Races...
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
XU to the Elite 8
Sunday, March 30, 2008
My brand new blog!
I have finally joined the blogging world. If you would like to view my blog, here's the address: http://jennsutter.blogspot.com/
It's definitely not fancy like Kristin and Keith's with pictures, links, and stuff, but it's a start!
Hopefully everyone is doing well! I missed seeing everyone at Easter--hopefully fun was had by all!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Anybody out there?
Anyone care to share a story, update, question, funny anecdote?
If technology is the barrier, feel free to shoot me an email (kristin.sutter@gmail.com) and I can post anything you'd like.
I only ask because I care.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Ski Trip

Go here if you want to see more photos: http://picasaweb.google.com/kristin.sutter/FamilySkiTrip
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Super Secret Society Dinners
Yes, those are BEERS and WINE (and a Fanta) you see in front of us.
Learning more about Grams through the question game Allie brought.
I have many more, but I think I've already said too much.